Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blogging is the new Black

My poor, sweet, ignored blog. No, I have not bandoned you. Yes, I know I am a bad blogger. I apologize. I have no excuse but my own laziness and lack of motivation.

There. All better. Now, let’s update this thing.

Things that have happened in January 2009:

1. My husband and I returned from a fabulous trip in South Africa, visiting family. I will post a little something about that later on. (No, I promise, I really will). Nothing like the African sun, good food, rock climbing, and family to rejuvenate you for the new year.

2. We got a new Prez!
Way to go, Barack Obama. Nothing like the historical election of a new president to rejuvenate you for the new year.

3. I am back in school.

4. My library programs are taking off. Check back for more details.

5. I am still a Snarky Librarian.

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