Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I heart Stephen King

Check out this action:

Smackdown of the Week: Stephen King vs. Twilight's Stephenie Meyer

Oh, Stephen. How I love you. True, mocking Stephenie Meyer and her fandom is probably not a great idea, but I doubt that his readership will be fazed by his honesty. There is something truly affirming that one of your favorite authors feels the same way about Twilight. I'm not a Twilight hater per se, but I agree with King when he says that the books are just not that well written. They aren’t.
And while you might not agree with me, King has sold an estimated 300-350 million copies of his books, many of which are best sellers, not to mention to awards he has won…well, his opinion carries a little more clout than mine.

If possible I heart Stephen King even more!

1 comment:

Chris (Topher) said...

I was never really a die hard fan of Stephen King (I'm not much of a reader, anyway), but this made me love him. I'm a complete Twilight hater. It just doesn't make sense to me.